Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Who was that Women?

That was weird she just looked at me and stared then she was gone! I have never seen her before or anyone else that even looked like her. She was strong and beautiful, but I felt safe with her not scared! I thought back to the voice in my head, it was a beautiful whisper of a voice very comforting. I new that it was someone trying to help, but the voice was not my mothers or Amelia's I hope I find out soon so that I can talk to her again, I need to make a mental note to investigate.

Then Julia heard “Know that you are made for Greatness and there is so much more than you know coming your way and that you can do! Think and it shall be done! Blessed be!” Julia heard the unknown voice again. In a quick second before I could ask who she was there was a rush of wind and smoke from fire my fire formed into a cloud and she was gone.

Julia was scared and at ease at the same time, how can this be?  Who was she? And where did she come from? Maybe tomorrow I can sneak to my mom’s office and check in the archives or town history and see if there are any pictures of this person. Well I will practice some more mom and dad is still not here what is taking them so long it is like they are in slow motion. I tried to push the energy of the fire towards mom and dad’s car it reached the car and it was like pushing fast forward on a movie the car was at the back steps before I knew it.

Julia can see her parents standing at the door looking scared and unsure of what is going on. Why don’t they come in and help me let me know what is going on. “Mom, Dad what are you doing?” Julia asked. Why are they not answering me they act like they cannot even hear me? What is going on! I look around the room everything seems normal then I look to my right and hello there is my body knelt down on my knees head hung with my hair pulled back with a ponytail holder that I thought had been burned out of my hair. I try several times to return to my body but unlike before I cannot get back this is a sleep that is deeper then I have ever been in before.

MOM!” Julia screamed!

Jacqueline hears her daughter yelling for her again. Julia sees her mother look at her and the words come slowly.

“I am coming for you honey” Jacqueline said to her daughter.

I am scared and just want to wake up, why can’t I just wake up Julia says to herself. As I look at my mother I see a light off into the distance behind her coming up the drive and I know instantly who it is O'Connor!

“She is communicating telepathically; I told her we are coming for her!” Jacqueline told her husband.

Dale turned to answer her when he saw the lights coming up the driveway. The vehicle was flying then came to a slamming stop. Detective O'Connor jumped out and looked at Dale with a nod of the head...

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