Saturday, June 28, 2014

Having a Bad Day

Hey everyone! I am not having such a good day today, I am so bummed that my friends are leaving and my interview at the college was bad. I could not focus, all I could do was think how can I do this without my friends with me. Sorry give me a minute this is making me cry just thinking about it.......

OK I am back so where was I oh yeah I wanted to tell you about the interview yesterday. Well I went to Ohio Dominican University, it is a Catholic Dominican University as the very good looking student admissions counselor said giving me the tour of the school. The history of the school is amazing did you know it use to be an all girls school and it became co-ed in the 1960's? Not that my family really has a religious affiliation it was kind of left up to me to go where ever I wanted for church. But the reason I choose this school was because I went to a majorette camp one year in High School. Yes I said majorette camp, do not laugh at me it was for a credit (But secretly I kinda of liked it too). I fell in love with the buildings and history of the school. Again another school with the brick buildings, it was a smaller campus but I liked that, sometimes I can be an air head and get lost but who can't at times.

So as the gorgeous student admissions counselor gave me this beautiful tour of the campus, that feeling of someone following me came back. But this time I had two different feels, first lets discuss the feeling that someone was falling me. But I know someone is now because I swear to you every time I turned around there was this student I think he was around six feet maybe taller, he had like toe blonde hair and his skin was tan, every time I turned around he was there. It is really starting to freak me out! The other feeling is in my stomach man it feels like a million butterflies flying around in my stomach, I am telling you it has nothing to do with being nervous because I told you before that is not like me to get nervous. Maybe it is this student counselor Joshua man he is freaking hot!

Joshua is a senior here at Ohio Dominican, he is majoring in history. The school colors are Black and Gold, which he wore proudly. But he did make sure to say to me "Thanks for not wearing the school colors!" he laughed and nodded his head to his right and over his shoulder I saw the line of potential students in the same black and gold clothing. I giggled because I knew I had made the right choice yesterday to go without school colors. I did not want to feel like an ostrich today, you know like the other day when I wanted to run and put my head in a hole for following the masses and wearing the school colors, LOL.

Joshua is around 5'9, about 195 lbs. of muscle he is a jock of course, his hair is a dark brown almost to black but his hair almost looks like it has a tent of red in it. Let me tell you about this dudes eyes they are the most Crystal blue eyes that I have ever seen. They almost do not look real, you know me I had to ask he said "Yes they are! All the men on my fathers side has the same color. Weird right!"

I told him "No way! Gorgeous, and that has to intrigue you being a history major?"

"Yeah kinda of does, I have been looking for a long time but as far as I can get family records it looks to go way back before even a census was thought of." he told me

"Yeah we have rich long history in our family too! But I am not allowed to know until the time is right, like it is some big mystery or something." he looked at me when I said that and kind of cut off from talking to me and just kept it school related which kind of pissed me off, because Rose would have been so proud if I got his number. Anyways he took me back to school the main hall to take the entrance exam and that is where I flopped by myself in a room taking this test my mind wondered back to my friends leaving me. I could not focus on the test I know I failed because the time ran out on each test with me only finishing like ten questions in each section. Mind you that is ten out of seventy-five!

Well going to meet up with my friends today, taking a break from all the school interviews for the weekend just going to relax and hanging out with them all before they leave me! You guys have a good day I will talk to you tomorrow!

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